Sunday, November 3, 2019

Project Details

"Young Entrepreneurs" is a two-year project on integrated entrepreneurship education designed to educate students on the values that are essential to society and the future of young people. Through a variety of activities to encourage students to invest in their own interests and abilities, developing diverse talents and skills, creativity, perseverance, self-confidence, collaboration and knowledge as important factors for their future.

Four schools are involved in the project and the priorities are entrepreneurial learning, promoting skills acquisition, avoiding early school leaving and promoting the cultural heritage of partner countries. Different pedagogical methods will be applied (project-based learning, CLIL, ICT, experiential learning, teamwork, etc.).

This project gives students opportunity to improve language, math and ICT skills, to learn about values and social skills that are fundamental to being an entrepreneur. Through real situations they will learn how to set up their business to get and know the different stages. They will be investors, producers, buyers and sellers in the market and will exchange products in the end. They will create and participate on a television channel, where they will present different aspects of their workshops, joint and individual activities and promote their cultures.

This project will contribute significantly to the development of our schools:  

- developing a positive attitude towards European projects and opportunities offered by the Erasmus + program,

- developing cooperation and partnerships with schools from other countries,
- promoting teamwork between teachers and students,
- modernizing the teaching practice by exchanging ideas, experiences,
- integrating good practices and new methods into the school curriculum,
- using new technologies and different strategies in teaching practice; creativity and innovation,
- promoting and improving the image of schools,
- creating modern, dynamic, dedicated and professional environments in organizations,
- developing entrepreneurial thinking among students,
- developing critical thinking and problem solving
- developing interest in foreign languages
- raising awareness of the importance of preserving local, national and world cultural heritage.

The results of the project will be promoted through school presentations, teacher and parent meetings, teacher presentations and meetings from the municipality and the region, promotional events, brochures, websites, blogs, social media, the eTwinning educational platform.

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