Thursday, July 15, 2021

Workshop 3. Perfumed soap making

 This workshop is divided into two parts:

1- Making glycerin soaps;

2- Design and preparation of packaging and labels for soaps. 


WORKSHOP 3 (MATERIAL) – Soap + Label


-a microwave

-250 gr of solid glycerine (for each student means up to 5 soaps)

- small flowers, seeds, leaves of aromatic herbs, lavender, piece of grass…

-silicone moulds (small ones)

-colouring (the liquid for food), essence

-cellophane/wax paper and thread to wrap the soaps

-a sheet of paper to print the label




Video: Melt and pour soap making for beginner [2019] - YouTube



2- Design and preparation of packaging and labels for soaps


Canva files with some label examples, that students can adapt according to their creativity.


Some tutorials to inspire studentes to create beautiful packages to wrap handmade soap:





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